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ysladmin 2024-07-19
景区英文翻译_景区英文翻译错误       非常欢迎大家参与这个景区英文翻译问题集合的探讨。我将以开放的心态回答每个问题,并尽量给出多样化的观点和角度,以期能够启发大家的思考。1









       Wudang Mountain


       Saiwudang Mountain


       Wudang South Shinto


       Danjiangkou Dam


       Yunxian Dinosaur egg fossils National Geological Park


       Jinshawan Water Park


       Sage Ce


       Sage Valley


       Wulong River Scenic Area


       Guanyin Ce


       Longquan Temple




       Shenyang scenic spot is located at the foot of Maoshan mountain in Shenbei New District of Shenyang City. The scenery here is beautiful and pleasant.


       Shenyang scenic area is intoxicated by its strange phenomenon of "upside down".


       Shenyang scenic spot can be called a garden with strange, quiet, special and interesting features. the natural also? feet stamp hard, which makes the sound of emptymountain。


       In addition, there are "concentric cable bridges" with no danger, and "dragon cloud stone carvings" with dragon clouds alternating and soaring upward.


       All kinds of facilities in the scenic spot are complete, and a service system of "eating, living, treling, treling, shopping and entertainment" has been formed.?


       In addition, it is a good place to visit for its superior geographical location, simple folk customs and long history.




       2、 人们按比例做了一个模型,发现怪坡现象仍然存在,因此排除了外界磁场等影响,然后又用仪器测量,有人发现上坡的地方其实质是下坡,因为这些地方的特殊地形地貌,导致人们大脑对事实的判断错误。





       Title: Datang Everbright City

       不夜城(Datang Everbright City)is a large-scale cultural tourism scenic spot located in Xi'an City, China. The theme of the scenic spot is based on the prosperous Tang dynasty, which is a glorious period of China's history.

       The scenic spot is divided into eight major areas, each with its own unique attractions and landscape style. Tourists can experience the magnificent culture and history of the Tang dynasty through a variety of static and dynamic displays, cultural performances, and historical shows.

       One of the most popular attractions is the Tang Palace, which showcases the grandeur and luxury of the royal Tang Palace, as well as cultural and artistic displays from the Tang dynasty. The Da Yan Pagoda is another must-see attraction, which is a towering architectural masterpiece that represents the wisdom and power of ancient China.

       In addition to the cultural attractions, Datang Everbright City also offers a variety of entertainment facilities, including a water park, an amusement park, and a light and sound show.

       If you want to immerse yourself in the rich and colorful culture of the ancient Tang dynasty, Datang Everbright City is definitely a place worth visiting.


       不夜城(Datang Everbright City)是位于中国西安市的一个大型文化旅游景区。景区的主题基于繁荣的唐朝,这是中国历史上辉煌的时期。







       景区简介 Scenic area introduction

       景点介绍 Scenic spot introduction

       地方文化 Local culture

       景区服务 The scenic area service

       电子商务 Electronic commerce

       旅游常识 Trel tips 或 Common sense on trel

       招商项目 Investment promotion project

       虚拟旅游 Virtual tourism

       景点介绍 Scenic spot introduction

       历史传说 Historical legends

       景区天气 Weather on the scenic area

       门票预订 Ticket reservation

       景区资讯 Information of the scenic area

       梦文化 Dream culture

       交通信息 Traffic information

       住宿预订 Accommodation reservation

       浏览向导 The wizard for browse

       诗赋游记 Odes trels

       接待量预估 The event forecast

       餐饮预订 Dining reservation

       游客须知 Tourist information

       地方风情 Local amorous feelings

       商品预订 Goods booking

       网站公告 Web site announcement

       景点推荐 Scenic spots recommended

       站内搜索 On-site search

       常用电话 Commonly telephone number

       常规票价 Regular ticket prices

       景区位置 Scenic location

       便利设施 amenities

       特产代销 Products on a commission basis

       失物招领 The lost and found

       网站二维码 Website qr code

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       1 武陵源风景区

       2 平遥古城

       3 武当山(道教)古建筑

       4 大足石刻The Dazu Rock Carvings.

       5峨嵋山风景名胜区(包括乐山大佛) Mount Emei Scenic Area

       6青城山Mount Qincheng

       7龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes
