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tamoadmin 2024-08-20
1.上海巧克力梦公园到虹桥火车站怎么坐地铁2.常州旅游景点介绍英语翻译 常州景点英文3.巧克力是什么时候开始有的4.我买了到上海站的高铁票 想去世界巧克力公园玩


2.常州旅游景点介绍英语翻译 常州景点英文


4.我买了到上海站的高铁票 想去世界巧克力公园玩 想知道怎么搭地铁到那边啊?是不是直达啊?





1、从上海南站乘坐 地铁1号线 上海南站(经过5站、16分钟)至 常熟路站

2、换乘 地铁7号线 常熟路站(经过13站、34分钟)至 花木路站

3、从 4 出口出站,左转沿芳甸路步行 177 米到达 世界巧克力梦公园

常州旅游景点介绍英语翻译 常州景点英文


公交线路:地铁7号线 → 地铁2号线,全程约29.0公里


2、乘坐地铁7号线,经过1站, 到达龙阳路站


4、乘坐地铁2号线,经过17站, 到达虹桥火车站



Changzhou China Dinosaur Park 常州中华恐龙园

Changzhou temple 常州寺庙



仅供参考,点个纳,谢谢: Chocolate dream park is China's first with the theme of the chocolate dream world theme park - "dream park" will settle chocolate nest north square. Then, the world's largest chocolate, chocolate wall of dunhuang grottoes, etc, warriors will ear on the works of art, chocolate dream park. In addition, still can taste and their characteristics of chocolate. According to the introduction, the chocolate dream park covers an area of nearly 2 million square meters, into the dream park gate, a sweet trip will start from the chocolate museum from 3,000 years, the legend of chocolate, through Belgium, Swiss, Italy, France, etc. To chocolate country, look at the characteristics of landscape and various classic chocolate, and China's first chocolate falls, the world's most expensive chocolates, all kinds of exquisite of chocolate art feast your eyes, and for your master chocolate show superb chocolate process. Come across the hall candy fairy tale of candy, candy in the jungle, bleaching magic the five continents to enjoy colorful candy to bring joy and hiness, skeletal sugar, insects such dozens of novel candy sugar will bring you more surprise. The chocolate dream park besides the chocolate museum and the world outside, candy in China and China's boom is proud of the theme park spindle dreams, will bring us back to thousands years ago time tunnel through the ancient civilizations, the world's largest chocolate wall, warriors, dunhuang grottoes in extremely magnificent manner, the world's largest chocolate present sculpture group, the world first chocolate painting, fine workmanship, unique creativity. Dream of another theme park is fashionable life, delicate and fashionable clothing, shoes, blue and white porcelain, motorcycle, automobile, etc are chocolate and candy. In the park visitors can also make personalized commemorative chocolate, candy, also can taste various peculiar candy, enjoy hiness with large stage show acting, Visitors can close interaction with lovely chocolate mascot photos, taste and flor characteristics of chocolate, candy, easy to enjoy a hy surprise sweet feast. The chocolate dream park, Beijing organizers taixiang general manager of limited company ZhengYaoTing paddy planning, worldwide, chocolate is diverse, the world cultural and creative park with dreams of chocolate for development. Therefore, the company held in Beijing this project is to use "art and cultural value of" innovation, cultural and creative concept, will the world of fashion in Chinese culture, make chocolate world saw sweet for tourists in Beijing new earance, expanding knowledge, chocolate, chocolate charm brought rich experience of chocolate technology culture breath, also for Beijing's winter tourism new fashionable originality new stroke. 附中文翻译: 巧克力梦公园是中国第一座以巧克力为主题的梦幻主题公园——“世界巧克力梦公园”将落户鸟巢北侧广场。届时,世界最大的巧克力雕塑群——巧克力长城、兵马俑、敦煌石窟等艺术作品,将亮相世界巧克力梦公园。此外,市民还可品尝并亲手制作特色巧克力。 据介绍,世界巧克力梦公园总占地面积近2万平米,进入梦公园大门,一场甜蜜之旅将从世界巧克力馆开始启程,从3000年来巧克力的故事,到穿越比利时、瑞士、意大利、法国等以巧克力闻名的国家,看看那里的特色景观和各式经典巧克力,还有中国首座巧克力瀑布、世界最贵的巧克力、各式精美绝伦的巧克力艺术作品让你大饱眼福,园内还有巧克力大师现场为你表演精湛的巧克力工艺。来到世界糖果馆穿越童话般的糖果屋,置身于神奇的糖果丛林,漂洋五大洲去享受色彩斑斓的糖果带来的喜悦与幸福,骷髅糖、昆虫糖等数十种新奇糖果更将带给你无限惊喜。 世界巧克力梦公园除了世界巧克力馆与世界糖果馆外,以中国骄傲与中国腾飞为主轴的梦公园主题馆,将带我们穿梭时光隧道回到千年前的古文明,世界上最大的巧克力长城、兵马俑、敦煌石窟以无比辉煌的气势呈现世界最大的巧克力雕塑群,世界第一幅巧克力清明上河图,创意独特、做工精妙。梦公园主题馆的另一个主题是时尚生活,精致时尚的服装、高跟鞋、青花瓷、摩托车、汽车等都是巧克力与糖果做的。 在园区内游客们还可以亲手制作个性化的纪念巧克力、糖果,也可品尝各式奇特糖果,欣赏欢乐表演与大型舞台秀;游客能近距离的与可爱的巧克力吉祥物互动拍照,品尝风味美食和特色巧克力、糖果等,轻松欢乐享受一场充满惊喜的甜蜜盛宴。 世界巧克力梦公园主办方北京翔砻策划有限公司总经理郑瑶婷介绍,在世界范围内,巧克力是多样化的,此次世界巧克力梦公园以文化创意进行发展。因此,公司在北京举办该项目,是希望用“艺术创新、文化价值”的文化创意理念,将世界时尚的巧克力文化引入中国,让世界看见甜蜜北京新面貌,为游客拓展巧克力知识、感受巧克力魅力,体验巧克力工艺带来的浓郁文化气息,也为北京的冬季旅游新添时尚创意新行程。 追问: 我想问的是 常州 的公园,请问有介绍常州的吗?(公园) 回答: 很难写 追问: 如果能写出来,我可以追加悬赏。不用把整片中文翻译都写出来,不过需要一些中文翻译。谢谢你。




Speaking of Changzhou could not help but want to take you to a place. That is, Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park。Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park is the hy home of the dinosaurs, here is the fashion to stimulate the theme park. Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park Lilubula, hip-hop dinosaurs City, return to the Jurassic ...... brilliant of the six subject areas; crazy flames drilling, Thunder Dragon roller coaster, Mystery hurricane Stonehenge, through the Jurassic, Rush Courier dance dinosaur car, baby round and round ...... theme park project detonation limit storm; Changzhou, China Dinosaur Park rich dinosaur knowledge;, exciting performances to create a visual dream trip! This is known as the Oriental Jurassic Park "reputation of the China Dinosaur Park.


Changzhou, nicknamed the Dragon City, is situated in China’s most prosperous Yangtze River delta. It is administratively divided into 2 county-level cities, Jintan and Liyang, and 5 districts, Wujin, Xinbei, Tianning, Zhonglou and Qishuyan. The whole city covers 4,375 sq. km and has a population of 3.49 million, of which the urban area covers 1,864 sq. km with 2.17 million inhabitants. The city boasts economic and cultural prosperity and social harmony. In 2005, its GDP reached 130.2 billion yuan, with the per capita GDP being 4,500 USD and municipal financial revenue 22 billionyuan.


_ let’s share the city’s beauty

“At sunrise the flowers on river banks were suffused with a flame-like red. In springtime, the river water turned turquoise blue.” A city whose beauty has been adored by many poets, Changzhou is becoming even more attractive today. Up to 2005, it has won many honors in the nation:

★ The ear l iest “ci ty for the exper iment on comprehensive reform of economic structure” and “city to open to the outside world”;

★ One of the 50 Chinese cities with biggest comprehensive power;

★ China Excellent Tourism City;

★ National Clean City;

★ National Model City in Environmental Protection;

★ Provincial Green City;

★ Nat ional Award for Human Inhabi tat ion Environment;

★ One of the 50 Chinese cities with best investment environment;

★ National Advanced City in Development of Science and Technology;

★ National Excellent City in Public Safety;

★ National Advanced City in Social Progress.

我买了到上海站的高铁票 想去世界巧克力公园玩 想知道怎么搭地铁到那边啊?是不是直达啊?

巧克力起源于墨西哥,那里生长着根深叶茂、果实累累的可可树。在此之前,人们发现的最早的巧克力消费的考古证据属于公元400年。美国研究人员在18日出版的英国《自然》杂志上报告说,他们使用新型分析技术,在陶瓶里发现了制造巧克力的原料--可可豆特有的化学成分特征。 古代的印第安人把可可果实 磨成粉,与玉米粉、辣椒粉掺和在一起,制成略带苦涩味的面糊作成日常食品。到14世纪,墨 西哥人在可可粉里加进糖、香草等调料,配制成一种甜美可口的硬糖,这就是巧克力的雏形。





地铁不是直达的需要转乘地铁1号线 → 地铁2号线 → 地铁7号线,全程约14.1公里


2、乘坐地铁1号线,经过3站, 到达人民广场站

3、站内换乘地铁2号线,经过7站, 到达龙阳路站

4、站内换乘地铁7号线经过1站, 到达花木路站







