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ysladmin 2024-07-06
四年级旅游路线图手抄报英语_四年级旅游路线图手抄报英语版       大家好,今天我想和大家聊一聊关于“四年级旅游路线图手抄报英语”的话题。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了梳理,现在就让





4.英语关于自然风景手抄报 自然手抄报





       There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there.


       I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness.


       I like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow. When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you.

       I know trees get ready for their next year's rebirth by doing this, so I enjoy them without any sad feelings. The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season. So can't autumn sights bring happiness to us as well?






       Hurt the only oneself know, become didn't change only the themselves to understand.


       Road is open, way to the teach mining; Before losing after winning, natural shape.


       Memories in the United States, just like a mirror, the more clear, the heart hurt more.


       Don't let a mist, and concluded that there is nothing in front of the scene.


       The so-called threshold, the past is the door, not the past has become the sill.



       Others behind glamorous or has too many unknown pain.


       No matter how are you, my parents always think of you at the first time.


       Those who leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.


       Must like bees, picked lots of flowers, to brew a honey.


       A person's beauty is not in appearance, and in the talent, temperament and character.


       The more one mind place, is the place where the most to his inferiority.



        四年级的英语手抄报赏析 英语手抄报资料:英语的应试技巧

       1.合理安排时间,保证准确率. 听力部分,它固定就是15分钟到20分钟的时间.笔试1小时40分钟,要合理分配.单选部分不要占很多时间,考查语法不是太难,不要在这上面花太多时间,要把时间花在阅读.完形填空上面.阅读速度非常重要,速度要建立在准确基础上,既要有速度,还得有质量,保证准确率.另外完形填空要占用一定的时间,最后是写作部分.前面几类基础题,不要占太多时间.在中等题和难题之间调整一下,但是基础题占百分之七十,重点应该把时间放在阅读文章.完形填空和写作上.

       2.常见题型解题技巧 ⑴听力:考生一旦拿到试卷,应利用一切可能的时间进行听力测试的快速读题,对将可能听到的资讯或考试内容进行预测,并可适当地做一些标记,带着问题听,带着预测去搜索答案,即有目的地“ 听”.这是中考听力测试中能否得到高分乃至满分的关键. ⑵单选:对于语法,平时可以准备一本语法记录本,课后可将老师讲的语言点.片语一一记录于本上,以便复习既简洁又方便.同样也可以用来记录自己在以往考试中的错题,并认真分析,考试前再将这些错题看一遍,力求不犯类似的错误. ⑶完形填空,此题重在考查学生对于语篇的整体理解能力.可分四步:1***通读短文,跳过选项,掌握整篇文章的大意.2***边读边酌,初选试题,将大部分简单题做完.3***反复推敲,攻破难题,在全文试题结束后,再根据上下文,语法结构,结合常识,用代入法.排除法等突破难题.4***四顾全文,验证答案.

        英语手抄报内容:Being Fit Together

       For every girl, they are annoyed by the overweigh problem all the time. Looking at the beautiful models shinning everywhere, who can resist the charm. The story about a girl lost her weight for love inspired so many people to be fit. Being fit for love is the best motivation.


       The girl is named Claire, she was born to be fat. She just could not stop eating the food that contained a lot fat, such as ice cream, fired chips and so on. As she was so different from other girls, she was alone for a very long time until a handsome boy was attracted by her beautiful soul. Finally the boy proposed, but Claire was self-debased, she decided to lose weigh and then said yes.


       Claire worked so hard to lose weight, she refused to the food she liked. She went to the gym every day. She eat the organic food. When ten months passed, claire lost more than 80 pounds, she became an attractive girl and said yes to her boyfriend’s propose. When the couple took pictures, the girl were surprised, for the boy also trained his body just to pany her.


       Love her, then being fit with her, that’s a direct way to show love.


英语关于自然风景手抄报 自然手抄报












       One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm1 a mother was tucking her *** all boy into bed.She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor2 in his voice,“Mommy,will you sleep with me tonight ?”The mother *** iled and gave him a reassuring3 hug. “I can' t,dear.” She said.“I have to sleep in Daddy's room.”Along silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice:“The big sissy4.”



       Ants were once men and made their living by tilling the soil. But, not content with the results of their own work, they were always eating longing eyes upon the crops and fruits of their neighbours, which they stole, whenever they got the chance, and added to their own store. At last their covetousness made Jupiter so angry that he changed them into ants. But, though their forms were changed, their nature remained the same: and so, to this day, they go about among the cornfields and gather the fruits of others' labour, and store them up for their own use.

       You may punish a thief, but his bent remains.



       e out of nowhere


       In the Warring States Period 战国, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself over to dissipation.


       One of his minister, Chun Yukun chún yú kūnwho had a good sense of humor, said to him:”There is a big bird which has never taken wing nor sung for three years.Your Highness, may you guess what kind of bird is it?”


       The duke answered, “Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world.”


       The duke then devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one.


       This idiom is used to indicate that a person may rise from obscurity and achieve greatness.



       英文中“一鸣惊人”可以用“e out of nowhere”来表达,直译也就是“不知道从哪里就突然出现”的意思,这样一想也就容易理解了~

       网上曾有一个帖子名叫“9 Sports Stars Who Came Out Of Nowhere”9个“一鸣惊人”的体育明星,帖子中就细数了体坛九位“一鸣惊人”体坛黑马,其中自然会有我们的骄傲“林书豪”啦~




       英语自然公园手抄报 大自然手抄报-





       五年级英语自然公园手抄报 五年级英语手抄报


       植树节 arbor day -记一次方格外国语学校英语手抄报比赛

       四年级大自然英语手抄报 大自然手抄报




       图写大自然手抄报大自然的启示手 抄报简单四年级大自然的手



       利于大自然和谐相处的手抄报 大自然手抄报

       爱护大自然的英语手抄报 保护大自然手抄报






        四年级英语手抄报1 英语手抄报内容:英语的寓言


        The Ant and the Dove An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning.

        A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her.

        The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. Shortly afterwards a bird catcher came and stood under the tree, and laid his lime-twigs for the Dove, which sat in the branches. The Ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot. In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove take wing.

        One good turn deserves another




        My Study Task

        Today, our teacher gave us a special task. He asked us to do a research. The research is about how do we use the time after school. There are three questions. How much time do we spend on study? How much time do we spend in playing? How much time do we spend with our family? We need to ask at least thirty people?s opinion. It is a difficult but interesting task.




        英语手抄报内容:What is a Good Eating Habit?

        What is a good eating habit? In my opinion, a good eating habit is related to eat healthily and regularly. To say it simply, Xiao Ming has breakfast about 7:30a.m. to 9:00a.m. every morning and lunch at noon. He also has dinner about 6:30p.m. to 7:30p.m in the evening. What he eats is healthy food, such as, meat, vegetable, fruit, egg, milk and so on. He would not have some snacks for a meal. He also would not eat and drink too much or eat nothing. Xiao Ming sets a good example to have a good eating habit.






小学四年级英语手抄报(一) 小学四年级英语手抄报(二) 小学四年级英语手抄报(三) 小学四年级英语手抄报(四)


        英文:You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.


        英文:You can?t have a better tomorrow if you don?t stop thinking about yesterday.


        英文:While there is life there is hope.


        英文:Time is a bird for ever on the wing.


        英文:Time will never change and stop for any person.



        On her return from school,little Dolly,aged ten,was pulled on to her Daddy's knee,and informed that the fairies had that day brought a big surprise a little baby brother.She see med glad,and presently said:

        ?Will you give me a stamp,daddy?I want to write and tell brother Tom.?

        The father was touched by this,and provided the little lass with the materials to write a letter to her brother,who was away at school.Later,curious to know how she would tell the news,he took an opportunity to read what she had writen.He received something of a shock on reading the following:

        ?Dear Tom, It's come off today.You've lost;it's a boy.?
















