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tamoadmin 2024-08-13
1.天津市旅游景点英文介绍 英语介绍天津景点2.衡山旅游景点介绍文案英语 三分钟的英语介绍衡山3.乐山大佛英文简介4.求连云港花果山的英语简介(包括景点介绍)5

1.天津市旅游景点英文介绍 英语介绍天津景点

2.衡山旅游景点介绍文案英语 三分钟的英语介绍衡山



5.杭湖旅游景点介绍英语 杭州旅游景点英语


7.广西旅游景点介绍英文 广西概况英文导游词



爱琴海是地中海(Mediterranean Sea)东部的一个大海湾,位于地中海东北部、希腊(Greek)和土耳其(Turkey )之间,也就是位于希腊半岛和小亚细亚半岛之间。南通地中海,东北经过达达尼尔海峡、马尔马拉海、博斯普鲁斯海峡通黑海,南至克里特岛。

The Aegean Sea is Mediterranean Sea an easternpart big bay, is located northeast Mediterranean Sea, Greece with Turkey between, also is located the Greek peninsula andbetween the Asia minor peninsula. The Nantong Mediterranean Sea,northeast after Dardanelles Strait, Mar Mala the sea, Bose Prew the Sichannel passes Black Sea, the winter solstice Island of Crete.


Geological landform: In the Aegean Sea sea area the islands multitudinous, spread all over.The coastline is winding, has the innumerable bays, the harbor and takes shelter from wind the bayou.Is in the Asia and Europe tectonic plate and the African tectonic plate backlog collision region, for earth's crust not stability region, multi-volcanos, earthquake.

爱琴海是世界上岛屿最多的海,所以爱琴海又有“多岛海”之称。爱琴海的岛屿大部分属于西岸的希腊,小部分属于东岸的土耳其。海中最大的一个岛名叫克里特岛。克里特岛面积8 000多平方千米,东西狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。

The Aegean Sea is in the world islands most seas, therefore the AegeanSea also has "the multi- islands sea" the name. Aegean Sea's islandsmajority of belong to West bank the Greece, slightly partially belongsto the east bank Turkey. In the sea a biggest island name calls Islandof Crete. The Island of Crete area more than 8,000 square kilometers,the thing is long, is south Aegean Sea's barrier.






















Aegean Sea

The Aegean Sea (Greek: Αιγα_ο ∏_λαγο_, Aigaío Pélagos; Turkish: Ege Denizi) is a sea arm of the Mediterranean Sea located between the southern Balkan and Anatolian peninsulas, i.e., between the mainlands of Greece and Turkey respectively. In the north, it is connected to the Marmara Sea and Black Sea by the Dardanelles and Bosporus. The Aegean Islands are within the sea and some bound it on its southern periphery, including Crete and Rhodes. The sea was traditionally known as the Archipelago (Greek: Αρхιπ_λαγο_), the general sense of which has since changed to refer to the Aegean Islands and, generally, to any island group because the Aegean Sea is remarkable for its large number of islands.


In ancient times there were various explanations for the name Aegean. It was said to he been named after the town of Aegae, or Aegea, a queen of the Amazons who died in the sea, or Aigaion, the "sea goat", another name of Briareus, one of the archaic Hecatonchires, or, especially among the Athenians, Aegeus, the father of Theseus, who drowned himself in the sea when he thought his son had died.

A possible etymology is a derivation from the Greek word α_γε_ (aiges) "wes" (Hesychius; metaphorical use of α_ξ (aix) "goat"), hence "wy sea", cf. also α_γιαλ__ (aigialos) "coast".

In Bulgarian the sea is also known as White sea. According to legend, Bulgarian sailors and merchants in the Middle Ages found it a hospitable and timid sea to trel and called it White sea in contrast to the hostile and dangerous Black sea.


In ancient times the sea was the birthplace of two ancient civilizations _ the Minoans of Crete, and the Mycenean Civilization of the Peloponnese. Later arose the city-states of Athens and Sparta among many others that constituted the Athenian Empire and Hellenic Civilization. Plato described the Greeks living round the Aegean "like frogs around a pond". The Aegean Sea was later invaded by Persians and the Romans, and inhabited by the Byzantine Empire, the Venetians, the Seljuk Turks, and the Ottoman Empire. The Aegean was the site of the original democracies, and it allowed for contact between several diverse civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean.


The Aegean Sea covers about 214 000 square kilometres in area, and measures about 610 kilometres longitudinally and 300 kilometres latitudinally. The sea's maximum depth is 3 543 metres, east of Crete. The Aegean Islands are found within its waters, with the following islands delimiting the sea on the south (generally from west to east): Kythera, Antikythera, Crete, Karpathos, and Rhodes.

The Aegean Islands can be simply divided into seven groups: the Northeastern Aegean Islands, Euboea, the Northern Sporades, the Cyclades, the Saronic Islands (or Argo-Saronic Islands), the Dodecanese (or Southern Sporades), and Crete. The word archipelago was originally lied specifically to the Aegean Sea and its islands. Many of the Aegean Islands, or chains of islands, are actually extensions of the mountains on the mainland. One chain extends across the sea to Chios, another extends across Euboea to Samos, and a third extends across the Peloponnese and Crete to Rhodes, dividing the Aegean from the Mediterranean. Many of the islands he safe harbours and bays, but nigation through the sea is generally difficult. Many of the islands are volcanic, and marble and iron are mined on other islands. The larger islands he some fertile valleys and plains. There are two islands of considerable size belonging to Turkey on the Aegean Sea: Bozcaada (Greek: Τ_νεδο_ Tenedos) and G_k_eada (Greek: _μβρο_ Imvros).

The bays in gulfs counterclockwise includes on Crete, the Mirabelli, Almyros, Souda and Chania bays or gulfs, on the mainland the Myrtoan Sea to the west, the Saronic Gulf northwestward, the Petalies Gulf which connects with the South Euboic Sea, the Pagasetic Gulf which connects with the North Euboic Sea, the Thermian Gulf northwestward, the Chalkidiki Peninsula including the Cassandra and the Singitic Gulfs, northward the Strymonian Gulf and the Gulf of Kala and the rest are in Turkey; Saros Gulf, Edremit Gulf, Dikili Gulf, _andarl_ Gulf, _zmir Gulf, Ku_adas_ Gulf, G_kova Gulf, Güllük Gulf.

爱琴海介绍 英语

aegean sea



Aegean Sea

Aegean Sea


An arm of the Mediterranean Sea off southeast Europe between Greece and Turkey. The numerous Aegean Islands dotting the sea include the Cyclades, the Dodecanese, and the Sporades. Most of the islands belong to Greece.

爱琴海:靠近欧洲东南部的地中海一海湾,位于希腊与土耳其之间。包括基克拉迪群岛、多德卡尼斯群岛以及斯波拉泽斯群岛在内的爱琴群岛 之无数岛屿点缀于海上。其绝大多数岛屿属于希腊


英文名称:Aegean Sea

希腊文名称:Αιγα_ο Π_λαγο_


地理位置: 爱琴海是地中海(Mediterranean Sea)东部的一个大海湾,位于地中海东北部、希腊(Greek)和土耳其(Turkey )之间,也就是位于希腊半岛和小亚细亚半岛之间。南通地中海,东北经过达达尼尔海峡、马尔马拉海、博斯普鲁斯海峡通黑海,南至克里特岛。爱琴海海岸线非常曲折,港湾众多,共有大小约2,500个岛屿。爱琴海的岛屿可以划分为七个群岛:色雷斯海群岛,东爱琴群岛, 北部的斯波拉提群岛,基克拉泽斯群岛,萨罗尼克群岛(又称阿尔戈-萨罗尼克群岛), 多德卡尼斯群岛和克里特岛。爱琴海的很多岛屿或岛链实际上陆地上山脉的延伸。一条岛链延伸到了希奥岛,另一条经埃维厄岛延伸至萨摩斯岛,还有一条从伯罗奔尼撒半岛经克里特岛至罗德岛,正是这条岛链将爱琴海和地中海分开。许多岛屿具有良港,不过在古代,航行于爱琴海并不是很安全。许多岛屿是火山岛,有大理石和铁矿。克里特岛是海中最大的一个岛屿,面积8000多平方公里,东西狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。克里特岛上有大面积的肥沃耕地,但是其它岛屿就比较贫瘠了。爱琴海岛屿的大部分属于西岸的希腊,一小部分属于东岸的土耳其。




盐度洋流:因蒸发大于降水,海水盐度较高,为36~39‰,高于马尔马拉海和黑海,因而引起黑海中较淡的海水从表层通过海峡流入爱琴海,而爱琴海中盐度较大海水通过海峡下层流向黑海的海水交换形式。 希腊半岛与埃维亚岛之间的海潮以凶猛多变闻名于世。表层海水夏温达24度,冬温度10度。在490米深处,温度波动在14至18度之间。从黑海流向爱琴海东北的大量低温水流,对爱琴海的水温产生一定影响。黑海水流含盐量少,降低爱琴海海水的咸度。


战略地位:是黑海沿岸国家通往地中海以及大西洋、印度洋的必经水域,在航运和战略上具有重要地位。 沿海主要港口有萨洛尼卡、比雷埃夫斯(希腊)和伊兹密尔(土耳其)。

世界之最:爱琴海是世界上岛屿最多的海,所以爱琴海又有“多岛海”之称。爱琴海的岛屿大部分属于西岸的希腊,小部分属于东岸的土耳其。海中最大的一个岛名叫克里特岛。克里特岛面积8 000多平方千米,东西狭长,是爱琴海南部的屏障。









歌手:孟庭苇 专辑:心言手语
























天津市旅游景点英文介绍 英语介绍天津景点


Title: Datang Everbright City

不夜城(Datang Everbright City)is a large-scale cultural tourism scenic spot located in Xi'an City, China. The theme of the scenic spot is based on the prosperous Tang dynasty, which is a glorious period of China's history.

The scenic spot is divided into eight major areas, each with its own unique attractions and landscape style. Tourists can experience the magnificent culture and history of the Tang dynasty through a variety of static and dynamic displays, cultural performances, and historical shows.

One of the most popular attractions is the Tang Palace, which showcases the grandeur and luxury of the royal Tang Palace, as well as cultural and artistic displays from the Tang dynasty. The Da Yan Pagoda is another must-see attraction, which is a towering architectural masterpiece that represents the wisdom and power of ancient China.

In addition to the cultural attractions, Datang Everbright City also offers a variety of entertainment facilities, including a water park, an amusement park, and a light and sound show.

If you want to immerse yourself in the rich and colorful culture of the ancient Tang dynasty, Datang Everbright City is definitely a place worth visiting.


不夜城(Datang Everbright City)是位于中国西安市的一个大型文化旅游景区。景区的主题基于繁荣的唐朝,这是中国历史上辉煌的时期。





衡山旅游景点介绍文案英语 三分钟的英语介绍衡山


导语:天津,简称津,是中华人民共和国直辖市、中国国家中心城市、中国北方经济中心、环渤海地区经济中心、中国北方国际航运中心、中国北方国际物流中心、国际港口城市和生态城市、国际航运融资中心、中国中医药研发中心、亚太区域海洋仪器检测评价中心。天津也是六座超大城市之一。以下是我整理的英语 文章 :天津英文介绍, 希望能对大家的 英语学习 有帮助。

Tianjin (Jin for short) is a municipality direct under the Central Government, as well as an opening city. It's situated in the eastern part of the North China Plain, covering an area of 11,300 square km. and with a population of six million.

It has a semi-humid continental climate in the warm Temperate Zone. With an annual erage temperature of 12 degrees centigrade, and rainfall of 590 millimeters, it has 220 frost-free days per year. It's rich in petroleum, natural gas and sea salt along the coastal area.

旅游英语 :天津英文介绍

As one of China's biggest industrial centers, Tianjin has built up an all-round industrial system with machinery, electronics, textiles, chemicals, metallurgy, foodstuff etc. as its mainstays. The production on a fairly large scale, of arts and crafts like hand-made carpets, Yangliuqing's New Year Pictures printed from an engred wood plate, Zhang's painted clay figurines, kites etc. holds an important position in the country. Tianjin has already achieved successes in the operation of its Economic and Technological Development Zone in the northeastern part of Tanggu District, covering an area of 33 square km.

Tianjin is one of the most prosperous business areas as well as a distribution center for goods and materials in North China.

It's also a key hub of land and sea communications. Its port consisting of Tianjin, Tanggu and Xingang Harbours is an important Chinese Sea port, serving as the most convenient sea outlet for Beijing, North China and Northwest. The port accessible to ocean freighters of ten thousand tons class has opened more than 20 ocean shipping routes. Tianjin has a well-developed road transport network, regular air-service to over 30 cities throughout the country, and inland water shipping, in addition to the pipelines for oil transport.

Tianjin is a famous historical city. The best known scenic spots and historical sites include Ning Garden, Tianhou Temple (Temple of Heenly Empress), Dule Temple in Ji county, The Great Wall at the Huangya Pass, the Panshan scenery area etc.

Efforts are being made to develop Tianjin primarily into a financial center in North China, an international commercial city and a free port.



Tianjin Ancient Culture Street with 600 years history, standing in the area of key section in upstream of the Haihe River, is located in Nankai district of Tianjin. Covering an area of 224,200 sq meters, it used to be one of earliest water transport docklands in Tianjin where is one of the busiest cities of commerce and trade in history. As a cultural precinct, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street is well known by the local and overseas tourists. The two attractions, Yuan Huang Ge and Tian Hou Temple are two historic cultural relics in the list of city level ones reversed.

Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street rebuilt in 1980's is one of the great successes in the renovation and redevelopment. The whole block is still conserved the existing urban pattern and tissue of traditional Chinese layout. The lanes and houses in the Street are almost preserved in a good condition with Tianjin local feathers. In past time, whenever the day of 23th of March in lunar calendar was coming, a great ceremony would be held here, which it is said that it is the birthday of heen Mother. On the ceremony, many Chinese traditional performances would be seen, such as Shiziwu (dancing play as a lion), Huahanchuan (dancing with a ship _ike dressing), Caigaoqiao (dancing standing on a high stick) and so on.

As the result of expanding Tian Hou Temple, renovating Yu Huang Ge building and renewing the Haihe Lou, this street with fine landscape and distinctive architectural style has been a flourish, cultural and tourist area. The new planning and design for the Street had paid more attention to the waterfront and connecting with surrounding around, especially the Old City in the west.


The Tientsin eye,full name of the Yongle bridge Tientsin eye,connects Hebei District and Hongqiao District across the Haihe River。

It is a Ferris wheel integrating river construction and bridge wheel,with functions of sightseeing and transportation。

The eye of Tianjin is the only Ferris wheel on a bridge in the world,which is one of the landmarks of Tianjin。

天津之眼(The Tientsin Eye),全称天津永乐桥摩天轮(The Yongle Bridge Tientsin Eye),跨海河连接河北区与红桥区,是一座跨河建设、桥轮合一的摩天轮,兼具观光和交通功用。




摩天轮装48个透明座舱,每舱可乘8个人。舱内有空调和风扇调节温度,可同时供384人观光。 摩天轮转动一圈的时间会受到乘客人数、天气变化的影响,保持在20至40分钟之间。天津永乐桥摩天轮的每个座舱的面积达到12平方米左右,可供8个人同时乘坐。












Hengyang, a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of Hunan Province, is located in southern China and central and southern Hunan Province.

It is an important member of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, a sub central city in Hunan Province and a political, economic, military and cultural center in southern Hunan.

Hengyang City straddles the Xiangjiang River and is one of the important transportation hubs in Hunan Province and Central South China.

Many important highways and railway trunk lines meet here. Hengyang is located in the conce axial zone of Central South China, which constitutes a typical basin situation and belongs to suropical monsoon climate.










Huangshan Mountain is located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province. It has 72 peaks. The main peak of Lianhua Peak is 1864 meters above sea level. It is also called the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, one of the 36 peaks, together with Guangming Peak and Tiandu Peak.

Huangshan Mountain is the symbol of Anhui tourism and the only mountain scenery of the top ten scenic spots in China.Huangshan, formerly known as Yishan Mountain, is named for its black and blue peak rock and its distant view of Cangdai. Later, it was said that Emperor Xuanyuan had made alchemy here, so he was renamed Huangshan.

Huangshan's representative landscapes are "four unique waterfalls", four unique: Qisong, weird rocks, Yunhai, hot springs; three waterfalls: herringbone waterfall, Baizhang spring, Jiulong waterfall. Huangshan welcoming pine is a symbol of the warm friendship of Anhui people, carrying the Oriental etiquette culture embracing the world.



















中华寿岳 南岳寿文化源远流长,《星经》载:南岳衡山对应星宿28宿之轸星,轸星主管人间苍生寿命,南岳故名“寿岳”。宋徽宗在南岳御题“寿岳”巨型石刻,现仍存于南岳金简峰皇帝岩。康熙皇帝亲撰的《重修南岳庙碑记》首句即为:“南岳为天南巨镇,上应北斗玉衡,亦名寿岳。”再度御定南岳为“寿岳”。历代史志也常以“比寿之山”、“主寿之山”等敬称历代南岳衡山。《辞源》释“寿岳”即“南岳衡山”, 南岳因而誉称“中华寿岳”。

历史悠久 南岳始封于唐虞,是古代帝王巡狩祭祀的地方。相传尧舜禹来此祭祀社稷、巡疆;大禹曾在此杀马祭告天地,得“金简玉书”,立“治水丰碑”,现留下白马峰、金简峰和禹王城等古址。古今往来,李白、杜甫、韩愈、柳宗元、朱熹、王船山、谭嗣同、-、-、郭沫若、田汉、陶铸、-、-、-等历代著名思想家、军事家、政治家和文人骚客慕名而来,在南岳留下了3700多首诗、词、歌、赋和375处摩崖石刻,是中华民族文化艺术的宝库之一。

五岳独秀 南岳古木参天,自然景观和人文景观并举,历来是人们旅游、避暑胜地。景区自然植物1200多种,9处原始森林,其中珍贵树种150多种,有东晋时代的银杏、明代的古松、世界罕见的绒毛藻荚、富有神话色彩的摇钱树、连理枝。祝融峰、水帘洞、方广寺、藏经殿、以其高、奇、深、秀”自古赞誉为南岳“四绝”。南岳四季景色宜人,春赏奇花、夏观云海、秋望日出、冬赏雪景,更是令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。

佛道并存 南岳佛、道教同居一山,共存一庙之特色,为中国名山一绝。在中国佛、道教史上,南岳佛、道教占有重要的地位,尤其在日本和东南亚地区乃至世界都有很大的影响。早在西周期间,道教就在南岳开辟洞天福地,至唐代出现“十大丛林”、“八百茅庵”之盛况。两教具教义经典,并最终形成了佛道同尊共荣的'特色。随着党的宗教政策的逐步落实,南岳佛道两教筹集8000多万元,先后修复被破坏的寺观宫殿10余处,增加藏经10万余册。



1.The Great Wall 长城



2.Temple of Heen 天坛


3.The Fibidden City 故宫



4.The Summer Palace 颐和园



5.Yueyang Tower 岳阳楼


6.Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼


7.The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园


8.Dianchi Lake 滇池


9.Du Fu Cottage 杜甫草堂


10.Dujiang Dam 都江堰


11.Luoyang longmen grottoes 洛阳龙门石窟



12.Songshan shaolin temple 嵩山少林寺


13.The Mogao Grottes 莫高窟


14.The Huangshan Moutain 黄山



15.Suzhou botanical garden苏州园林





1.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 长江三峡



2.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭



3.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄



4.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 兵马俑


5.Mount Tai 泰山




The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.






The Great Buddha is the sitting image of Maitreya Buddha. It is 71 meters high. This is the largest cliff stone statue in China.


The Leshan Buddha was unearthed in the first year of Kaiyuan (713) in the Tang Dynasty and completed in the nineth year of Zhenyuan (803), which lasted about ninety years.


Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area is composed of Leshan Grand Buddha, Lingyun Mountain, Wuyoushan Mountain and Grand Buddha.


It is a national 5A tourist attraction and a part of the world cultural and natural heritage Leshan Grand Buddha in Emeishan Mountain.


On October 8, 2018, Jiuqu Trestle Road in Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area was closed before construction.


On April 1, 2019, the preliminary investigation on rescue and protection of Leshan Dafo disaster area in Sichuan Province, which lasted nearly half a year, was completed.


The Grand Buddha of Leshan formally went out of customs, and the Jiuqu Trestle Road and Buddhist sightseeing platform in the scenic area were reopened.







杭湖旅游景点介绍英语 杭州旅游景点英语

连云港花果山景区英文简介 An Introduction to Huaguoshan Scenic Spot General introduction to Huanguoshan Scenic Spot(花果山景区概述) The name of Huaguoshan means a place rich in flowers and fruits. It is a famous scenic spot vividly depicted in the story of Journey to the West, which is usually known as Monkey King to westerners. It is about seven kilometers (about four miles) away from urban Lianyunguang City. Hing an altitude of 625 meters (about 0.4 miles), it is the highest mountain of the Yuntai Mountain Range. There are more than 100 scenic spots in the Huaguoshan Scenic Spot, most of which are connected with the story of Monkey King. Visitors will he the feeling of being in Heen when they trel here. About the Book Journey to the West(《西游记》) Usually known to the western readers as Monkey King or the TV Serial Monkey, the book Journey to the West is one of the four most famous literary books in Chinese history. It is based upon a true story about a monk called Xuan Zang set in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), who went on foot to today's India to seek for sutra, the holy book of Buddhism, eventually arriving after years of trials and tribulations. In the story, Monkey King is one of Xuan Zang's four rentices. He has vast magic powers and is quite wise. With his help, they undergo 81 dangers before finally getting the sutra. In the tale, Monkey King is born out of rock in Huaguoshan, and later he chooses the Water Curtain Ce as his home. In China, Monkey King is the symbol of wisdom, breness, and faithfulness. Scenic Spots on the Mountain Natural Sceneries(自然景观): Water Curtain Ce(水帘洞) This is the place where Monkey King lives and plays with the other monkeys in Journey to the West, and it is also the place that most sightseers look forward to visiting. In fact, this ce is a big crack that is covered by a waterfall. On both sides of this waterfall are some inscriptions carved on the stone. Due to the story, this ce possesses something magical and mysterious. The South Gate of the Heen(南天门) The South Gate of the Heen is said to be the outer door of Lingxiao Palace of the Jade Emperor (Supreme Deity of Taoism) in the Heen. Each time Monkey King encounters difficulty, he will go through this gate and ask for help from the other gods in the Heen. Yunv Peak(玉女峰) This is one of the highlights of the visit. Yunv Peak is the highest point in Jiangsu Province. If lucky enough, visitors can watch sunrise from Yinshu Pilion. Another scenic spot is the sea of clouds. The clouds roll like the wes in the sea. At this spot, visitors will he the feeling that they he entered Heen, just like the Monkey King. Yixiantian(一线天) Yixiantian is a scenic spot made up of giant stones and ces which connect with one another. Yixiantian means that there is only a little distance between two giant stones, which are very high and large. The distance is so slim that only one person can go through at any time. Historical Attractions(历史名胜) Asoka Pagoda(阿育王塔) Asoka was a ruler of the Mauryan Dynasty in the 3rd Century BC, who waged some of the bloodiest wars in Indian history. He was later overcome by remorse for the death and destruction he had unleashed, and went on to become a religious visionary, spreading the word of Buddha. First built in the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), Asoka Pagoda in Haiqing Temple is about 40 meters (about 131 feet) high. It is the highest and oldest pagoda in existence in northern Jiangsu Province. Though hing such a long history, it has withstood one magnitude 8.5 earthquake.



West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but "West Lake" usually refers to the Hangzhou West Lake. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers.

West Lake is famous for Bai, Yang and Su Causeway.


Introduction pierce the scenic West Lake in Hangzhou, south of the Five Dock Yunqi, the Hollywood landscape of wooded hills, Bamboo-shaded, streams Ding Dong. very cool. Penny Yunxi one kilometer long track flanked by Bamboo-shaded, meandering paths depth murmur Qingxi according trails, Jiao graceful blend of birds from the forest out, and the whole environment was quiet cool and downtown, particularly Health and fitness feel relaxed. Shuangxin excitement. 杭州西湖风景简介 位于五云山南麓的云栖坞里,为林木茂盛的山坞景观,翠竹成荫,溪流叮咚,清凉无比。长 一公里的云栖竹径,两旁翠竹成荫,小径蜿蜒深入,潺潺清溪依径而下,娇婉动听的鸟声自 林中传出,整个环境幽静清凉,与闹市相比,格外使人感到恰适轻松,爽心悦目。 _est Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15_ilometers. The whole lake is divided into5_ections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu Hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound. The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. The beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake. The Ten Sights in West Lake are Melting Snow at Broken Bridge(断桥残雪), Spring Dawn at Sudi Causeway(苏堤春晓), Sunset Glow over Leifeng Hill(雷峰夕照), Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard(曲苑风荷), Autumn Moon on Calm Lake(平湖秋月), Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺), Viewing Fish at Flowers Harbor(花港观鱼), Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟), Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月), and Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云). The Ten New Sights in West Lake are Dream Spring of Hupao(虎 跑梦泉), Tea-tasting at Dragon Well(龙井问茶), Gem Bathed in Flowing Rosy Clouds (宝石流 霞), Heen Wind over Wushan Mountain(吴山天风), Scud over Yuhuang(玉皇飞云), Yellow Dragon Spitting Greenness(黄龙吐翠), Rains of Sweet-scented Osmanthus Over Hills (满陇桂雨), Trees in Mist by the Nine Rivulets (九溪烟树), Ruan Mound in Green(阮墩环碧), Cloud Dwelling and Bamboo Path (云栖竹径). The West Lake is also famous for its historical flor with numerous celebrities. National heroes Yue Fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Ruoshui and Qiu Jin were all buried along the West Lake, leing their illustrious names and noble spirits in the green hills and blue waters. Moreover, many ancient poets and artists, such as Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo, Liu Yong and Pan Tianshou, had also left countless famous writings.

Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15_ice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Hangzhou is of suropical monsoon climate, with distinctive four seasons and mild atmosphere and forable geographical positions and natural conditions. Hangzhou has 6 districts, 2 counties and5_ounty-level municipalities under its jurisdiction. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The human being had lived and prospered in this land4700 years ago, which is called "Liangzhu Culture". Hangzhou had once been the capitals of Wu and Yue kingdoms of Five Dynasties during the 10th Century and capital of Southern Song Dynasty during the 12-13th Century. It is one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals, famous for its historical and cultural heritages. The city has a history of more than 2200 years since it was established as a county by the First Emperor Qing.


The discovery of ancient human fossils at wuguidong site in Hangzhou confirmed that there were ancient human beings living on the land of Hangzhou 50000 years ago. The excation of Xiaoshan cross Lake Bridge site confirmed that there were modern human beings living here as early as 8000 years ago.


It is said that when Xia Yu controlled the flood, the whole country was divided into Kyushu, and the vast area to the south of the Yangtze River was generally called Yangzhou. In the 21st century B.C., during the southern tour of Xia Yu, the princes of the general assembly, Yu Kuaiji (now Shaoxing), once sailed here by boat and ge up their Hangzhou (the "hang" is the ark) here, hence the name "Yuhang".









West Lake, located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is one of the first national key scenic spots in China and one of China's top ten scenic spots. It is one of the main ornamental freshwater lakes in mainland China, and is one of the few World Heritage Sites and the only lake cultural heritage in China.


The West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, covering an area of 6.39 square kilometers, about 2.8 kilometers wide from east to west, 3.2 kilometers long from north to south, and nearly 15 kilometers around the lake.


The lake is separated by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggong Dikes. According to the size of the area, there are five water faces, namely, West Lake, Xili Lake, Beili Lake, Xiaonan Lake and Yuehu.


Su Di and Bai Dike cross the lake, Xiao Wei Chau The three small islands of Huxinting and Mekongdun stand in the heart of the West Lake. The Leifeng Pagoda in Xizhao Mountain and the Baoding Tower in the Gem Mountain are separated by the lake, thus forming “One Mountain, Two Towers, Three Islands, The basic pattern of the Three Dykes and Five Lakes.





位于西湖的西部水域,_骶嗪靼对500米, 范围约9.66公顷。北宋元_五年(1090年) ,著名文人苏轼用疏浚西湖时挖出的湖泥堆筑了一条南北走向的长堤。堤上建有六桥,自南向北依次命名为映波桥、锁澜桥、望山桥、压堤桥、东浦桥和跨虹桥。








"平湖秋月"景观完整保留了清代(17-18世纪)钦定西湖十景时 "一院一楼一碑一亭"的院落布局。



广西旅游景点介绍英文 广西概况英文导游词


Zhangjiajie Scenic Area is located in the south of Wulingyuan Scenic Area, with the park management office stationed in gongs and drums, 8 kilometers away from Zhangjiajie City, and all of them are accessible by highway.


Zhangjiajie is famous for its unique tourism resources.


Wulingyuan Scenic Area, consisting of Zhangjiajie, the first national forest park in China, Tianzishan and Suoxiyu nature reserves, covers an area of 369 square kilometers.


The area is dominated by the world's rare landform of Shi Ying sandstone peak forest canyon, which is a collection of bridges, ces, lakes and waterfalls. It has the reputation of "expanding bonsai and shrinking fairy mountain".


The state-owned Zhangjiajie Forest Farm was established in 1958, and was roved by the State Council as the first national forest park in China in 1982.



Dongguan is one of the Guangdong Province Dongguan City,which known as"the

workshop of the world".Dongguan is the famous historical and cultural city in Guangdong povince,with many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.For example, one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong is KeYuan park.

Dongguan has 1700 years of history and culture,is an important birthplace of South of the Five Ridges culture.Then Dongguan road traffic is very developed.We can visit everywhere by car.Dongguan Hong Kong and Macao compatriots overseas about 100 million people, about 30 million Overseas Chinese,is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese.Dongguan has beautiful scenery.There are a variety of animal and many good customs.Such as dragon boat racing .itchi Festival and so on.Dongguan is also very suitable for living.I'd like to welcome you to visit Dongguan.你广东改成广西


广西壮族自治区的峰林是发育完美的热带岩溶地貌的典型代表。它们平地拔起,气势超群,造形奇特。形态最典型、风景最秀美的是桂林、阳朔一带的石灰岩峰林,曾被明代旅行家徐霞客誉为“玉笋世界”。此外,在桂东北、桂中、桂东南、桂西等地也随处可见石灰岩峰林。 广西河流众多,清澈娟秀,在地域上多与奇峰相配,形成一派山环水绕,山水相依的秀丽景色。除举世闻名的漓江外,景色优美的还有融水的贝江、的资江、宜山的下枧河、大新的黑水河、崇左的左江、宁明的明江等。湖泊风景多以较大的湖泊或水面为主景,湖岸的山丘、原野和农家村舍、田园风光或城市风貌等为衬景而组成。如桂林的榕湖、杉湖,南宁的南湖,柳州的龙潭,贵港的东湖,陆川的龙珠湖等。此外,广西还有不少水质优良、水面宽阔、群山环抱、湖光山色十分秀美的水库,如灵川青狮潭、百色澄碧河、富川龟石、邕宁大王滩、合浦洪湖江、玉林寒山等水库。

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the peak forest development is the perfect tropical karst landforms typical. They flat out, Maria's momentum, the peculiar form. The most typical form, the scenery is beautiful Guilin, Yangshuo in the vicinity of the limestone peaks, was treling home Xu Ming Dynasty as "Yu-Sun Bilian world." In addition, in the north-eastern Guangxi, Guangxi, southeastern Guangxi, Guangxi and other places of the West also can be seen everywhere limestone peaks.Many rivers in Guangxi, clear Juanxiu in the region with more than match Qi, Hill formed one ring around the water, beautiful scenic landscape of dependency. In addition to world-famous Lijiang River, there are beautiful water into the bay Jiang, Jiang's capital resources, Yishan of soap under the river, the Heishui He Daxin, Jiang left the Chongzuo, Ningming Ming Jiang, and so on. Scenic lake to make more use of the larger lakes or water-based King, Lake hills, fields and farm cottage, urban or rural scenery, and other features for the King and the composition of the liner. Guilin, such as the Ronghu, Sequoia Lake, Lake of Nanning, Liuzhou, the Longtan, Guigang of East Lake, Pearl Lake, and so on the Luchuan. In addition, there are a lot of good water quality in Guangxi, the broad surface of the water, mountains, Huguangshanse very beautiful reservoir, such as Lingchuan Qingshitan, Bose Chengbi River, Bucheon stone turtle, King yongning Beach, Lake Hepu Jiang, Yulin, such as Han Shan Reservoir.



In January 1998, Guilin Seven Star Park was under the management of Guilin Tourism Development Corporation. In 2004, "Guilin Seven Star Park" was renamed "Guilin Seven Star scenic spot".

The management organization of the scenic spot is Guilin Seven Star scenic spot management office.

Guilin seven star (rock) scenic spot is located on the East Bank of Lijiang River in the center of Guilin, covering an area of 137.4 hectares. It is named because the seven peaks are just like the Big Dipper seven stars hanging in the sky.

It brings together Guilin's "leisure (green mountains, beautiful waters, strange ces and beautiful rocks), romance and passion".

It is the coordinate of Guilin's cultural landscape, the scenic spot recommended by the world tourism organization, and the national key scenic spot The first batch of 4A scenic spots in China.





Xiangbi mountain park is located at the confluence of Lijiang River and Taohua River in the center of Guilin, Guangxi, covering an area of 11.88 hectares.

The natural landscape and cultural landscape in the park complement each other, and mountains, water, ces, islands, pilions, platforms, paths, cultural relics and historic sites complement each other into paintings, which are beautiful and fascinating.



中国广西著名旅游景点 famous tourist attractions in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China











象鼻山英文简介Ludi Yan _噬接⑽募蚪_iecai Park _ㄉ接⑽募蚪_ubo Shan

(Reed Flute Ce)

Described as "Art Palace of Nature", the stalagmite and stone flowers of grotesque shapes in the ces create breathtaking spectacles which are really a feast for the eyes. Half way up the Brightness Hill, Reed Flute Ce is seven kilometers northwest of the center of Guilin. There used to be a special kind of reed growing outside of the ce which was an ideal material for making flute.

叠彩山英文简介Diecai Park

( Hill of Folded Brocade)

It earned its name due to the fact that its fault layers look like pieces of piled brocades. Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a panoramic view of the city.

伏波山英文简介Fubo Shan

(Whirlpool Hill)


